Wednesday, February 27, 2013

1 more day to go

Katie and I leave tomorrow for our 2013 Texas adventure! Katie really needs it, she has been working on a particularly difficult project, working lots of overtime, and dealing with lots of stressful situations!

Got to give this girl credit for her strength and ability to cope...and all the while, she lost over 60 pounds. Lots of people faced with what she faced on a daily basis, would have sought food out for comfort, but she didn't..what a feat! So proud of her!

Katie still has to work tomorrow while I pack the car, she gets off at 3PM, so after she gets home and gathers up the last few things, we will be on the road. We are only going as far as Fargo tomorrow. I have been suffering for 5 weeks, with a pinched nerve in my neck. It is much better than it was, but there are still symptoms lingering. Will be interesting to see how I make out driving 3 hours, then 7 hours, then 10 hours, and finally about 8. Katie can drive some of it as well so that will help a lot.

So far, doesn't look like we are going to have trouble with Winter Storms, all we hope for is good driving conditions.

more later....

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