Saturday, March 30, 2013

Thursday Mar 28th

Today was Mexico Day. We couldn't go to see the kids as Sister Maureen is still on retreat this week. Katie and I just wanted to walk around and see what kind of small items we might find. Usually we stock up on pure vanilla which is ridiculously cheap compared to back home, but we still have lots from last year.

Katie was in search of a purse, as she found one last year that she really liked. She got another one this year, not quite as good as the one she found last year, but still a good choice regardless, and all for the bargain price of $21.00.

Here is another item we found, that we just had to have...

They also had Jets ponchos, but who would want to wear something like that indoors?

We had a good time just wandering around, and then we happened on a new store that we had not seen before, and turns out it is a pizza place. It looked good inside, so in we went for a little lunch break. They were cooking the pizza's in a wood fired pizza oven...

Here is the menu...we ordered a large pizza...mistake too big couldn't eat it all so the two pieces we couldn't eat we gave to an old woman begging on the street and she was grateful!

and the size of the pizza...

It may not seem like a big deal for those of us who are used to going to Pizza Restaurants wherever we live, it is just unusual in Neuvo Progresso.

Here are some shots Katie took of the murals on the ceiling...beautiful!

The Pizza was very good, our whole meal, two Corona's for me, a diet coke for Katie, and the large pizza came to $11.95. The beer was $1 each, unlike our $4.95 or so back home.,

We continued on our way, browsing the stores and Katie took random shots...

Then it was back home, and some relaxation for the rest of the night...

and so ends another great day in the valley
more later...

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