Thursday, March 7, 2013

Wednesday March 7th

Beautiful day in Pharr Texas. Katie and I went for a long walk around the park, stopped in to say hi to Bob and Judy and had a nice visit with them.

Katie and I had some more running around to do as there is a Canadian Picnic here on Friday, and everyone brings their own drinks and everyone contributes one dish. Katie had to get the makings for sweet and sour meatballs which she decided to make. Ummm...yummy.

Katie has been making good use of her new juicer...the prices here are so good compared to home. There is a vegetable and fruit guy who comes to the park every Tuesday with locally grown produce. Prices are very good and the quality is excellent. Katie is getting lots of complements on her new improved body.

In the afternoon we were invited to happy hour, hosted by our friends Danna and Remi. Lots of our friends there. As usual lots of laughs, and fun conversation.
Danna and Remi put on quite a spread with snacks first, the supper, Shrimp, Chicken Wings, Sushi, Potato Salad, perogies, ham, buns, veggie platter, and really good cheesecake for dessert, and lots of beverages. A good time was had by all! Also got to meet Danna and Remi's daughter Kerri and son in law Tim and their two adorable daughters. What a great looking and super family. Tim is a member of Winnipeg's Finest, as I was for oh so many years. Tim and I had a very nice talk and it's not hard to tell he has his head screwed on straight.

Strange day weather wise, about 6 or so the temperature really started to drop. It was time to put something a bit warmer on. Around 9 or so Katie and I walked home and relaxed for the rest of the night.

and so ends another great day in the valley

more later...

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