Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Tuesday April 2nd

In the morning, I took four batteries out of the golf cart, those suckers are HEAVY! Underneath those four batteries the metal bracket on one side had been eaten away from the previous owner likely not looking after the old batteries, and they likely leaked acid down the side.

I measured to cover the area with metal plates, but the welder wanted $25 a piece for a simple 3/16" plate. We said no thanks and went to Home Depot, and got two pieces of 3/4" plywood cut to fit, and all for the immense price of $8.

Came home, put them in, and then replaced the batteries both sides. Boy are those sucker HEAVY! Did I mention that they're HEAVY?

I also took the voltage regulator out and cleaned the terminals and the unit itself. Put everything back nice and clean, and sprayed anti-corrosion spray on all the terminals. Job done, looks great!

While I was doing this Katie was putting undercoat on one of the walls in the bathroom, to get it ready for painting.

Most mobile homes have some type of vinyl wall coverings, and this one is no exception, but it is far too busy in the bathroom.

After supper we decided to go see our friend Jake Cortez, a local musician, who performs various places, but is a fixture at the Sante Fe Steakhouse Lounge in McAllen.

We got there around 9PM, and Jake was already performing. This year he has a sidekick some of the time, and Jake says they are called Itchy and Scratchy, Jake being the Itchy one. We only get to see Jake perform when we come to Texas, and we already know how good and talented he is, but never ceases to amaze when we see him live again.

I mentioned in a previous post, that we had dropped by and gave him an excellent documentary called "Searching for Sugarman". It is about a singer songwriter who performed in relative obscurity in the US where he was born. I had a feeling that Jake would really enjoy this documentary, as much as my oldest son, Katie and myself did.

That is Jake on the left...pardon the color and the noise in the following it is dark in the lounge, There are lots of folks, making noise, who don't care about listening to great music, and the most talented guitarist I have ever heard. They have no idea what they are missing. Oh, and did I mention that he is an extremely good singer as well?

One of the best songs in the documentary is simply called Sugarman. On the microphone, Jake mentioned that it was Katie and I that turned him on to Sixto Rodriguez (Sugarman). He said he watched the documentary several times, and that he felt like Rodriguez was "speaking to him". He said he hadn't memorized all the words yet, I don't know how he remembers what he performs already.

This is Sugarman song, in less than ideal conditions

For some reason, an older gentleman behind us, took a liking to me for some reason, went up to Jake and requested a song. He then came to me and said the song was for me. It's not what you think...Katie was sitting right there. He asked if I knew what a Torito was, and he said right away "little bull", hmmm...don't know what that has to do with me, but anyway, he seemed to think it did...Jake said the song did not translate well into English...

This is an excellent flamenco song. After it was over he came and asked how I liked it. Again he talked about the "little bull" and somehow he managed to get the term "Macho Man" into the conversation, but neither Katie or I knew what he meant. He talked about the origin of the song based in a certain region of Spain. Funny part is...many years ago I started a forum on the handle was bullshot and my avatar was a bull in the middle of a target. The name of the forum was the Bullpen. Strange.

Jake took a break which he seldom does, and came over to give Katie a big hug, and a bro hug for me. We talked about Sugarman, the fact that Jake now has his diabetes under control...good for him...and we agreed that next year we would do lunch.

Katie and I left about 11:30, extremely satisfied with our night out, and so glad to know that he enjoyed "Searching for Sugarman" Jake is quite a guy, and all we can say is we are glad to know him.

and so ends another great day in the valley...
more later...

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