Monday, March 4, 2013

Sunday March 3rd

We were on the road about 8:15 this morning, nice to wake up and not see snow. Travel was good and the Fort Worth by-pass no problem. Started to notice it was getting busier around 11AM the deeper we got into Texas. Seemed to unusually busy for a Sunday. Not much of a problem until we got close to Austin, there was some jerk in front of us who could not seem to stay in his own lane. This is travelling at 75MPH. I just kept my distance and kept searching for escape areas in case he did something really stupid. Well guess what? he did...he hit the divider, the front wheels went over the divider, but somehow he managed to come back down again. I can only tell you, that had it been just a bit different he could have rolled the car.

We were trying to decide whether to take the Austin by pass toll road or not, but our GPS was telling us there were no delays on our route except for 1 minute 7 miles ahead. So we went right through Austin and the GPS was was aboutg a 1 minute delay.

Got to Paradise Park in Pharr around 4:30PM. Got the car unpacked, and we were happy to see what a good job the contractor had done fixing our trailer from last year's hail storm. We owe so many thanks to our friends Al and Bonnie for making sure everything got done well in a timely manner.

Unfortunately Katie had the start of a Migraine headache on the last leg of driving, but she took an Advil Liquid Gel which the Doctor told her about and she slept a little while I kept driving. She felt a bit better later but always has a heavy head from those episodes. Felt so sorry for her.

After unpacking, we went to visit Al and Bonnie just down the street from us, and it was so good to see them. Hugs all around. Stayed longer than expected as it was so good to see them. Unfortunately Al keep giving me Beer and I had to keep drinking it. That made me tired after the long drive. I hardly ever have three beer in one sitting unless it is over a period of several hours, but I was fine, just tired.

Then Katie and I went to HEB the local grocery superstore which is not far away from us. It was kind of like a zoo in there for a Sunday night, and it was like a crash em up derby with the grocery carts weaving this way and that in the aisles, and some folks having no clue period!

Got the essentials for the morning, but will have to do another shop and we still need several other items as usual. Kate wants to get a juicer for the trailer so she can keep up on her excellent weight loss. We will likely do that Monday.

Damn...I forgot the remote for our WDTV player that I attach to the TV so we can watch movies when we just want to relax or the weather is bad. Can't operate the unit without the remote, so I will be searching out a solution.

Our renters, Len and Carol stopped by as they are renting for the month of March just kiddy corner from us. We had to thank them as they always leave our place spotless.

tomorrow will be a busy day, just getting organized and shopping...but no complaints about that and walking around at night with a short sleeve shirt on.

more later...

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