Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Monday April 1st

We won 254 million in the Powerball Lottery!!!! As a result on our way to Paradise right now...oh wait we are already here in Paradise...oh damn...it's April 1st...

We went golfing with Bonnie and Al this morning to Tierra Santa in Weslaco. We are trying different courses as the Course which is right next to use Tierra Del Sol, is redoing all their greens.

On the way to get Bonnie and Al which is basically just down the street, we stopped to say goodbye to Remi and Danna who were leaving shortly. Just about all our friends in the park are leaving, with the exception of Bonnie and Al who are leaving on Saturday.

So off we went to Tierra Santa. When we got there Bonnie remembered that she had been there before in a tournament.

We then learned that they were sanding the greens on the front nine so we started on Ten. The course looked nice and green, which is apparently due to their ability to get recycled water from the City of Weslaco. That is not the case at our home course, so it is not very green.

We got our carts, and although we really liked the course overall, and the price wasn't bad $40 with cart each...the Management of the golf course leaves something to be desired. The carts had obviously not been washed for a week or more, and every single one was like that. They were filthy! The washrooms on the course were filthy, with broken windows. The bunkers had not been raked, so there were footprints and marks all over where balls had been hit out. What a shame! A really nice looking golf course, and management obviously doesn't manage.

This was not the case when we played at Palmview last week. The price is even a bit less, but the carts are clean when you get them, they clean the washrooms, and keep the course in very good shape.

But it was a beautiful morning with very little wind and off we went following a fivesome.

Bonnie, Al, and me

We soon found out there was some sand on the greens on the back nine as well, so it was automatic two putt greens for the rest of the round.

the 18th hole

Bonnie ended up shooting a 78 which is very good, Katie and I were a bit disappointed...we had been to the driving range the previous evening and we were both hitting the ball very well...and expecting good things...but both of us did not play all that well...maybe it was the dirty carts...got to have an excuse somehow!

I was really pleased with my driver off the tee box, and my putting was really good, but my irons off the fairway really left something to be desired, so it was disappointing. Katie was inconsistent, which was disappointing for her as well. Oh well, it's a golf game after all, it was a nice day with good company, and we are in Texas, not snow and cold weather.

After we got back, Katie and I had a few things to do. Katie wanted to get an article of clothing for one of the kids, we wanted to get an extension cord for the trailer, and another jar of "Famous Dave's" pickles with a kick from Costco. They are really good and we will take the big jar of them home.

We went and fed the goats again, the little ones are really growing and more actively taking food from us through the fence.

Then Katie made a veggie pizza for supper, and it was time to relax for the rest of the night.

and so ends another great day in the valley...
more later...

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