Friday, April 5, 2013

Thursday April 4th

In the morning Katie got all the clothes and goodies for the kids in Mexico ready to go. I did more maintenance things around the trailer.

We met Sister Maureen, Ken and Vickey, and a lady named Betty in front of the store on the US side of the International Bridge just after 2PM. Sister Maureen's truck was absolutely loaded in the back, with bags of beans, bags of grapefruit, and boxes of assorted items. We piled out bags into the back which contained, clothes, toys, and food from our fridge as well as the fridge's of Remi and Danna, and Bill and June, and Al and Bonnie.

Off we went over the Bridge. The girl Border Patrol agent on the Mexico side, didn't seem to be all that pleased with the goods in the back of the truck, and told Sister Maureen she would need a document of donation. Sister Maureen already has one and knows that, but the Agent let us go anyway.

We learned that Betty, this was the first time we met her, goes to Reyonosa every week with a group that builds houses. Reyonosa is actually closer for us than Neuvo Progresso, but we would not go there, as it is too dangerous. Couple of weeks ago there was a major shootout between drug cartels in broad daylight on one of the main streets.

Our first stop was a place we had not been too before. It was like really bad row housing in the front, tiny little rooms all in a row, with no plumbing and until lately no electricity. We walked around the back and there was a new house. We could only find out the woman who is going to live there, and her husband had built the house along with a group of Canadians. Very impressive the work that was done. Betty indicated she would be bringing some furniture and other items next year for the house. We gather that Betty is a Winter Texan and helps out various folks in more than one way. The woman, whose name we did not get, has obviously worked hard on her garden, and they have several animals in their little compound. It is nice to see poor folks like these, improving their lot in life.

After that it was one to see our little Vicky. As usual, every time we come she runs in the house to change her clothes. She took awhile to come out, but there she was opening her arms and up into mine and giving the biggest hug. Then it was Katie's turn. We gave her the goodies that we brought for her. Mom was hanging up the wash, and the boys weren't there. Apparently the oldest boy Jose Maria is having some heart issues and is going for tests. We hope they are not serious.

We did not spend alot of time there because Sister Maureen had lots to do.

We moved on to the store where most of the goods get distributed. We unloaded at least half of the truck, the boxes, the beans which are 40 lbs each, and the bags of grapefruit. Katie makes sure she gives out a sucker to every single child.

Then it was on to Livy and Karelly's house. Livy came running out, up into my arms and gave me the biggest hug, and we both said in English "I love you". She held on until she saw Katie, and then Katie got the same treatment. Karelly was next, and we both got the same treatment. We unloaded our bags from the back of the truck, and Sister Maureen went on to do the rest of her rounds.

Katie and I, the two girls, Mom Erika and Eric, went in the house. One of the first things Karelly did was go and get Katie and I, a chocolate iced cup cake each. Livy would go in the other room and drag out chairs for us.

Katie gave each of them their clothes, and we had all sorts of markers, notepads, and some toys for them. We had quite a bit. We also had the food for Erika and she was grateful!

For the next two and a half hours, it was communicating by my phone translator, English Spanish Dictionary that Erika had, hand signals and facial expression. We had so much fun! Livy basically didn't leave Katie's lap almost the whole time. Karily is so smart that she took my phone, immediately went to the apps, found the translator app, and started to type in spanish so she could tell me things. I can't stress enough how smart she is and so is Livy. Mom and Dad have brought the girls up to be affectionate and boy are they ever. Livy will for no reason just decide she wants to hug us both, so if she is sitting on Katie's lap, she will just turn and pull me in so I can get the hug as awesome! No amount of money or what you have in "things" could ever replace this.

There was lots of loving and the words "I love you" being said a lot.

You could tell the kids really loved the clothes that Katie picked out for them. There were lots of Oh's and Ahh's.

The rest of the time, we just had fun, Livy played Angry Birds on the tablet, and looked at pictures. Even when I was in a picture with some former Winnipeg Police members, she would find me, point and say Jim.

Karelly kept busy with the phone and translation efforts.

We had some Coke and Ericka brought out some potato chips for us.

I just can't say enough, how great it is to be with those two girls, the love that is abundant, and the fun we have.

Sister Maureen came back and it was time to go. As we were leaving Livy broke into tears and was crying hard as she did not want us to go. Heartbreaking! If I could I would take her with us and Karelly too. They would enrich our lives to no end.

Karelly had Eric performing some poses in the yard, that she had taught him and he was hilarious. He would cross his arms, sit down, and tilt his head way to the side, it was priceless. And this from a little boy who was really sick when first born. He is healthy now though.

So it was several hugs from Livy, some with tears, and hugs from Karilly, and lots of "I love you's" and then off we went. So sad, we can't see them until Next year!...but we got to see them twice and spend lots of we are thankful for that!

Here are some photos that Katie took, and Katie made a sign for her friend Durga who sponsors Karelly.

jimb492's Mexico 2013 2nd visit album on Photobucket

Then we dropped Betty off at the first house we went to and her husband Ken was going to pick her up. Sister Maureen dropped us off at our car, and we said our goodbyes to Sister Maureen, and Ken and Vickey.

and so ends another great day in the valley...
more later...

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