Saturday, March 23, 2013

Friday March 22nd

We just had a regular light fixture in the bedroom, so we decided it would be much better if we had a ceiling fan like we do in the living room. this really a good idea? Sounds a lot like work!

After breakfast, we got started and laid out all the pieces on the top of the bed. There were many pieces. Step by step we started to assemble all the pieces, which had to be done in a certain order. We finally got to the point where we were going to hang the motor to the hanger bracket and then connect the wires. We thought that in the end it would look too low, with the size of extension as part of the fan assembly. Ok...let's cause ourselves some more work and mount the fan as a flush mount.

Off comes all the parts, and we construct it so that it will be a flush mount assembly. Heck of a lot more difficult to do the wiring this way, than the other way where the motor is basically hanging while you tie the wires together. Katie had to hold it for me by standing on the bed, while I did the wiring. Oh oh!...arms getting sore...ahh...finish the wiring just in time.

Finish getting the top part done, then it is time for the blades to be attached and the light fixture. We do all that, and hope that when we turn on the switch, everything will work. It does!!!

Trouble is, it is wobbling. Now we have to take the kit they put in with the fan, which basically consists of 3 gram weights and find out where to attach one, two, or three to get it to run without wobble. After lots of trial and error...Eureka!... success.

This is one of those things that is so easy that a kid can put it together and get it easy it took us about 3 hours...but it's done.

We went and fed the goats again...they really benefit from Katie's juicing. We stopped by our friends Brian and Linda's to talk about books for her reader. Had some laughs there, as Brian is always funny and so is Linda.

Took the Gps in the golf cart to see what speed it is going at the top....12MPH....hmmm...a little on the slow side, will have to see what I can do about that at some point.

Good supper, then relaxation for the rest of the night.

and so ends another great day in the valley...

more later...

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