Monday, March 25, 2013

Sunday March 25th

We have been here three weeks today...the time has gone by way too fast.

Katie made her "juice" in the morning...

The goats will benefit from the tail ends and the little goats really like the pulp.

Then it was time to do a job I was not looking forward to. In between the outer and Inner windows of the trailer, there is a space, and some type of mactac type of material covering the frame. In the heat and sun, this material starts to let go and curl up, so that it looks terrible between the windows. Last year I redid two of the front window, and painted in between instead. So I had one front window to do and also three windows on the side.

In order to get at the space, you need to remove the inside aluminum frame, and there are about 20 screws or more holding each one on. Also have to take off the Venetian blinds and clean them. Once the frame comes off, a good cleaning is required, both the frame and the windows. Then I have to take a hair dryer and heat up the mactac so the glue lets go and I can gradually peel it off. Then two coats of paint as the pressboard underneath just sucks the paint in. Then put everything back together again X4.

Basically this job took almost all day, extremely time consuming, but it is now done Hallelujah! Oops wait...another day I will have to do another two which are not really in bad shape because they are shielded from the sun due to the carpot.

Time for dinner, we both deserved a restaurant night, so off we went to the Chinese Sea Buffet, and it was very good. We were pretty full when we got back so it was time for a walk. We stopped in at Remi and Danna's and had a nice chat, then Bill and June's, and same thing, fun!

and so ends another great day in the valley...

more later....

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