Friday, March 8, 2013

Thursday March 8th

Katie and I had quite an eventful day yesterday...2nd thing first. It was the first trip for this year, to go to Mexico to see the kids that get sponsored by some of our friends and and Katie and I.

For those of you that are new to reading the blog, Katie and I make several trips to Mexico per year when we are in Texas for the month. We go with Sister Maureen, and Ken and Vickey who help Sister Maureen to help many of the poor families in Neuvo Progresso Mexico. Sister Maureen, Ken and Vickey travel to Mexico 3 times a week and take clothing, food, furniture, anything to help the families in need. At the same time, Sister Maureen looks after more than a hundred children, with a program so that people like Katie and I get to sponsor a child so they can go to school. Going to school helps them stay off the streets and gives them a chance for a better life in the future.

Katie and I are lucky enough to be able to sponsor two little girls so they can go to school. Some of our friends, some of Katie's friends at work and even our Dentist sponsor kids as well. If anyone is ever serious about sponsoring a child, Katie and I have the information. Good thing is we get to see first hand where the money goes.

We met Sr. Maureen, Ken and Vickey, just after 2PM, when her red truck came across the International Bridge from Texas into Mexico. Katie and I were standing on the street, with our bag full of goodies for the kids when Sister Maureen pulled up. Then it was off to see the first little girl we sponsored Vicky...but not before we made a quick stop so that Sister Maureen could give out some food to a family.

We pulled up to Vicky's place, and as usual she came running at full speed, not slowing down for a second, up into my arms, and gave me the biggest hug, that lasted a long time. I noticed right away how she had grown some from last year. Then it was on to Katie who got the same treatment. Sister Maureen, then left us with Vicky and her Mom, while Sister Maureen, Ken and the other Vickey went off to Canalas, about 15 miles away, to drop things off to some needy families there. Sister Maureen's truck was pretty full in the back with food, clothing, and other items...and she makes this trip three times a week all year...incredible!

We always take things for the kids as they don't have much and always appreciate whatever they get. Because we go more than once to see Vicky and our other little girl Livvy and her sister Karily, we give them a few treats each time so it is more fun for them.

Turns out one of the biggest hits was a tee ball game that my brother and sister-in-law sent along. Vickey and her sister Maria, and some of the other kids, had a ball with it. First they were counting in Spanish, Uno, Dos, etc. and then hit the ball and run to an imaginary first base. Then they started counting in English which they learned in school, and would count to six and then hit the ball. Later they all started counting out loud with Katie and I doing the same thing, and they would count to ten in english, hit the ball, laugh and laugh, and then run to a base. They played like this for a long time.

We always have a bit of a problem communicating, but Katie and I have a tablet. I put a translation program on the tablet that doesn't require internet access. We can speak in English and the program will translate it into Spanish and say it out loud. Our goal is to get the kids to do the same in Spanish, trouble is when we try to get them to speak into the tablet, they don't quite know what to say and it is a little intimidating for them. Our little Vicky talks up a storm, just not when we want to get her close to the tablet to say something. Oh well, at least they get to hear what we want to say and what we want them to know, like we miss you, you look pretty today, how is school going, where are your brothers etc.

Turns out Vicky's brothers were in Neuvo Progresso selling gum, while their father is shining shoes on the main street. The boys Jorge, and his younger brother who Sister Maureen calls Pancho Villa, because of his fun personality. We didn't get to see the boys until Sister Maureen came back to pick us up, and they were disappointed they missed us...but we will be back of course.

So Katie and I had fun with the kids, and Vicky was particularly entertaining, she was actually the one that started the counting routine first in Spanish then in English, and we had lots of laughs. Vickey gave us a nice letter which she wrote, and we will have to translate it later.

We got to see Omar, who Ruth, a lady that lives in our Condo Building back home, sponsors. He is so cute, and we gave him a goodie bag that came from Ruth. He was also playing Tee ball with the kids as he lives across the street.

Sister Maureen then returned, and off we went again through the back streets of Neuvo Progresso. Always amazing is how Sister Maureen while driving is commenting about this house or that, and the kids that live there or their parents, and she knows so much about each family, all the names of the kids and their parents, who is going to school and who is not, who is related and how. It is truly amazing. We delivered some more things individually, then we went to the local store...and I use the term loosely...where alot of the items and food is left and gets distributed to the families that need certain items. Katie took lots and lots of pictures of the local kids, and of course Vicky and her sister Maria had run down the street and were there as well. The kids would pose for Katie, run over and look at their picture in the camera and scream and laugh. This went on for quite a long time. Fun to watch.

Then it was on to Dayla's house, who our friends Terry and Arlene sponsor. They had another little girl before but she and her family had to go to Monterrey, to look after an aging relative. We got to meet Dayla, her mom and her aunt who lives across the street, for the first time. You could tell right away that Dayla is a little shy but Katie managed to get her to smile and she became ok with it all. She is an only child and now will get a chance to go to grade one in the fall thanks to Terry and Arlene. We took pictures so Terry and Arlene can see their little one. We gave Dayla a nice gift bag that Terry and Arlene had sent with us.

Then it was on to see Michelle, who my older brother and sister in law sponsor. We gave Michelle a goodie bad that my sister in law Doreen had prepared. We also got to meet her two sisters, there are three more who were not there who were in school as they are sponsored. We also got to meet Dad who Sister Maureen said would usually not get in pictures....but Katie managed to get him to.

Then it was through the rough roads, to the main street, across the International Bridge where we got pulled over at the US border for a random inspection. Only took about ten minutes and then we were back to the car lot where our car was parked.

A little bad news...we could not get to see our other little girl Livvy and her sister Karily as they had to go to Monterrey for a family emergency. Apparently a relative of their Dad is near death so the family was called there. Livvy and Karily who have been counting the months, then weeks, and days, were extremely disappointed they were not going to see us. Mom, was worried about us that we would be disappointed to not see the girls, and was actually prepared to stay behind with the girls, so we could see them. Our friend Vickey managed to convince her, that knowing the type of people we are, that we would totally understand, and she and the girls should go with Dad. We love those girls, so we are just hoping that they will be back soon and we will be able to spend some quality time with them. Then we would also get pictures that Durga, Karily's sponsor, who works with Katie will get to see as well.

and so ended a wonderful, day in Mexico, seeing all the kids, it is good for the soul.

Katie took so many pictures I have put a link to the entire album with slideshow or see all.

jimb492's Texas 1st visit 2013 album on Photobucket

Now for the 1st part second

Katie and I had been considering a golf cart, and we had looked at one in the park across the street from Al and Bonnie's. This cart has not been used for some time, so the tires were low, and the owner said it needed new batteries. New batteries can cost anywhere from $600 to $1000 depending on the type you buy. It would be ok if the owner would come down enough in price to make it enough value considering purchasing the batteries and cleaning the cart up. But he wanted a bit too much for my liking, so Katie and I took a ride to Mission to see a cart that was advertised on Craig's list.

The owner, Israel, a local, is presently taking his IT Certification online to try and better himself. We took the cart for a ride and liked it. Price was reasonable, so we made a deal and he will deliver it for us Friday morning. The owner in the park missed out by just wanting too much as we would have taken it for the right price.

So this is our new addition...

so this ends another great day in the Valley and Mexico

more later...

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