Friday, March 15, 2013

Wednesday Mar 13th

Katie and I had to take the old batteries from the golf cart back to the place where we bought the new batteries. They hold back around $24 until you bring the old cores back.

After that we headed to Don-Wes Flea Market in Donna. It's always fun to browse around there.

We bought a few small items. We noticed that there seems to be less vendors than previously. Looks like they are not getting the traffic they used to. On the way back though, we noticed hundreds of cars at a Mexican flea market on the other side of the road a few miles from Don Wes, and they are obviously doing a booming business.

We stopped at a local Mexican hand car wash in Donna as there was no one there. $15 to detail the car inside and out and did it ever need it. Hadn't got around to getting it cleaned up since the trip down. There was one man working on the car who had a great attention to detail and kept pointing out to a younger kid where he didn't do a good enough job. They did a great job! so he got an extra $5 for his trouble.

We came home and had supper, then went to the grccery store later to get a few items for Katie's juicing regime, and a few other items. We went for a nice walk and then relaxed the rest of the night.

and so ended another great day in the valley...

more later...

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